Wednesday, September 24, 2014

New York City, Museum, Art and Serenity!

Since I'm in New York I can't escape from all the Art Stuff here.

this will be a joint post with the Brother site Junk-Y-Art.

for the months to come there will be plenty of Broadway and happenings and shows. some may have been out dated but I'll still post them just for the fun of it.

so here's the line up.... not exactly in that order. So I hope you'll enjoy.

Kinky Boots
King Lear
Les Miserable
Phantom of the Opera
This is our youth
The Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder
It's only a Play
The Curious Case of a Dog in Nighttime

Cirque Du Soleil - Varekai
Tim Realbuto - Wunderkind
Jay Brannan
Von Smith
Broadway Spotted at 54 Below

US Open
Rio World Cup
4th July Fireworks

Alice in Wonderland
Fall Gala

People's Climate March
New York Fashion Week
Get on up Premiere at Harlem Apollo Theater
Met Museum
The Cloisters
Guggenheim Museum
Coney Island
911 Memorial Museum
Liberty Island
Ellis Island
Grand Central Station
Penn Station
Central Park
Little Italy
Bronx Zoo
Astoria Park
Brooklyn Bridge Park
Brooklyn Bridge
Manhattan Bridge
The Highline
Columbia University
Chelsea Market
Hudson River Park
South Port
Bryant Park - New York Library
Time Square - Broadway
Governor's Island AIDS Quilt
United Nation
Riverside Park
Wall Street
St Peter’s Church
St Patrick’s Catedral
Church of Notre Dame
Trinity Church

Relaunching The Secret Life

The relaunching of the Blog will start with this joint statement in all sister/brother site.

I’ve moved to New York since 3 months ago, which is a plan that Drew and I have spawn since we started the blog.

I love art and music and movies. And I’m a pretty good organizer.
So Drew is the more charismatic one and I’m the Geek.

Our blog started out good with the idea that we are going to promote underground and unsigned musician.

Then we try to expand to movies review and art….. not so popular.

Anyhow, we still maintain the 1 year 30 thousands page view record then with all our popular interviews.

Now fast forward to 2014, Drew is no more here. Part of the reason I’m here in New York is for my passion and Drew’s parents, whom live in New York and me bringing back his stuff to them.

So it took me around 3 years to get myself out of our debts created by Drew’s medical bills and another 3 years for me to save enough to reach here.

As for how…. I’ll not get into that. And I’ll never comment on it again. As I’ve found out a couple of months ago that it could backfire when you said something heavy like life and death.

This is about Love, Life and Happiness. So I’ll stick to that.

Relaunching the site won’t be easy. And I have not booked anyone or anybody yet.
But I’ll share with you guys the life experience that I have had for the past 3 years before I reach here and 3 months in the big city and all the great people that I’ve met and hopefully will bring a little light to your life.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Secret message for the beginner, in my opinion

It’s been a long time since the last entry.So here goes. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Muslim Calendar New Year, Happy Chinese Lunar New Year, and of course Happy Valentines everyone. That’s bout all the Holiday I’ve missed Greeting

Through the course of me not writing any post is because I’m leaving myself sometime to let things sink in. Rather than Bragging and Preaching or anything some people like to call it. I think it’s better that we take care some of the newcomer for a while.

So What is “The ‘BIG’ Secret” you say. It’s a simple Law derived from a scientific theory on the study of quantum physics. Or for some the miraculous cure of the souls, and some like to call it the Law Of Attraction.

The Basics is as simple as it is, You Attract more of whatever you think and feel at the moment to you. One very important thing is that you dun know when and exactly what you will attract but you know that by feeling bad you attract more bad, or guilt you’ll attract more guilt, which they called, “Likes Attract Likes”. Simple enough. Who are they you mean, that’s who ever believe or practice it. It’s not a cult nor a religion. Just a believe, if you believe there’s such Law then you will have faith in it. Of course some of you skeptic would call it a way of diverting you against your religion. Actually I believe and for me it is my God that brings this to me. And it only given me more faith and more understanding in my belief.

So what it does. To me it’s a universal law of nature, that when we releases out energy or some called it vibration, like a magnet or radio, you receive the same signal or energy or vibration back to you sooner or later. Time is not the essence, cos universe orchestrate in it’s own wat to bring you what you pray or wish for. Or think bad of. So for good stuff you can’t rush it. Nor could you say no to an on coming bad news. But in this law there’s one truth, you can only attract whatever it is you feel to yourself alone. You can’t attract it to others or help to attract it to others because everyone feel and think themselves.
So in all the context of the word: here’s the list of conclusion of the Technical of list fanatic nerd out there.

You attract what you feel and think.
Likes Attract more likes.
and you can only attract of yourself.

So in this three “truth” of concept in mind. Let’s start exploring what it defines.

If you want badly to feel good and live a good life now, then take charge and start think and feel good only. Purge yourself and block and release and let go or in any way you like leave all bad thought and feelings out of your system. Then you’ll start taking in, seeing and feeling the difference in your life.

But how come sometimes bad things still happen. That’s because before this you do think bad or sometimes in the practice you can’t avoid thinking and feeling bad feelings. So those feelings and thought catch up with you. So what you do. Since we know thinking and feeling about them will bring more bads…. So we stop thinking about bads…. Or block them out. What if you can’t ignore it? we are not saying you should force yourself in doing something you don’t want cos that would means you’d attract of something you don’t want to do. Just let it happen and remember to see the happiness and positive side of stuff whenever you can and need to. Like great memories of the loved ones who dies. I take my father death as in a way that God takes all good being early to be by His side and now this good soul is my ultimate Angel. You can turn every negative feeling into positive if you want to.

Greed, Boredom, Hatred, Anger, Embarrassment, Lonely, all that can be interpreted or act upon differently and becomes good. As some of the practician of the law says, “Grudge, and Anger or Jealousy is like a poison you take and wish the other person would die”. So Release the Greed and instead obsess yourself with enthusiasm, boredom and loneliness replace them with self time to inspire yourself and provoke your inner soul and be creative. Embarrassment, turn it into a joke and it become humor, Anger and Hatred, this is the biggest baggage most people holds on to. Choose to forgive and forget and let it go and live on with your life instead of holding on grudge. Dun you feel tired? I blame my dad’s death on someone before and make myself a typical victim of single parent hood and over think myself into doing a lot of low self esteem and raging foolish things. But now I feel liberated and letting go and seeing peace in my mind and lay my belief on peaceful soul instead of war and guilt. So you choose to forget and say all your forgiveness.

To further improve in attraction, after you cleanse yourself of all the “Dirt”, you go on every time you meet something Good you say the better is yet to come. And when bad things happen, you don’t dwell on it. I just choose to think that it’s necessary to happen to bring the next best thing to come. And as Sir Charles Bronson says, “Don’t Fuss about the small stuff…and all stuff are small” and they are indeed, think of how many times you curse when you hit a traffic jam, and for me most of the time it’s what needs to happen to bring me my perfect parking space at me destination shopping mall.
And when you can’t find a parking space that’s right, don’t fuss just stop take a deep breath and I usually see a couple or family coming out of the lift lobby right after that. Just stop and let the pieces fall into place. These things are trivial really compare to the best time you’ll have with your family or friends and your great relationship with your lover. So don’t fuss about something that doesn’t have a life and let it control your life. Simply choose to live your life to the fullest and with your mind fully in it. one more thing to let you think about, “how many times in that split second you curse the parking space and ruin your night with your date?” so y not choose to let go and focus on the date and have great time and feelings instead? Instead of presenting yourself as bitter in that split second you becomes charming.

So you have a friend that needs help. What can you do since you can’t attract “good” for him/her. You don’t have to do m,uch but make him/her laugh, or let him/her purge and release all the “Poison” out. But purging is a bit dangerous, cos he/she may attract more of what he/she is feeling if they are too passionate in the issue and become obsess in telling those feeling and feel it deeply every time. And as for you, just think you are there “acting” as a listener not a garbage can, you don’t have to take “it” in you. It’s non-of your business and it’s not yours. Focus on begin there for her and pray and wish for all the good things for him/her.

And one more important things is that you don’t have to force yourself into doing anything you don’t want. Just start with small stuff that you are comfortable with. Its not an exercise you “have” to do. No one is forcing you hands. It’s all your choice. Oh and one more thing, stop saying you “want” something and start saying you “have” something. Because what you want is exactly what you lack of and you are feeling what you lack of. Believe in what you have and focus on your target, life’s mission and not just things and stuff. That are not living your life, you are. So what’s your most desire perfect life is. You don’t only want the Ipod or a Mercedes or Phantom or a Great big mansion. What you want is a great life with yourself, with your friends and family, and freedom. All this is what’s important. When and Mercedes will come at the right timing. There’s no need to force it and instead put yourself in debts and lock yourself in a financial cage. To choose life and not stuff. Remember? All Stuff are small stuff what matter the most is your target in your mind.

So My wishes to all of you. And may your life be as exciting and inspiring any great being on this earth.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I've been laying off steam

When you are given a sign would you take the chance or not?
I was laying off myself for the week before.
I'm thinking if there's hint and signs everywhere which one would you choose. when you know exactly that everyone of them would lead you to a better place.
That's what i feel. i thought i would just leave the Secret alone for a couple of days and take a rest, yet it's become such a nature for me that everywhere i go there's signs. Me getting the perfect parking space, the perfect timing for the rush hour jam relieve. and the perfect meal of the day. there's no intention nor forceful desire just plain "coincident"?! I think not. so somewhere along the way you'll know that it's the right step.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Yesterday I went for a movie!

I went to a shopping mall for some grocery. when i went into the mall through the cinema door. I thought oh why not just go and see if there's any movie that I'm interested in watching. So I went for Cloverfield. which i have abooking in another cenima this Saturday. So I watched it. though it's just like I expected how it should be, yet still not as exciting as I expect it to be. It's like a Video Games that I'm watching other people watching. I'm so dizzy after I came out I'm still am now. Imagine watching "Blair Witch" on a really big Screen, all the shaking of the Camera and the screaming. but with no background soundtrack.....

So what it got to do with "The Secret" you ask. well, I reach there at 7pm. when i got in, there's plenty of seats left on the Cloverfield , which today is the first day of screening. I bought a Ticket of 7.445pm. I thought I was suppose to buy Groceries and meat for my meal, now I won't make it before the movie end. Yet the movie actually ended 15 minutes earlier. which gives me just enough time to run down to the market before it's closed. I got my stuff. and a movie which is 2 dollar cheaper if i were to watch it in another cinema on Saturday night.

of and cable TV 2nd decoder just arrive which offers me half price of what I use to watch now with the same package.

I don't care If you think It's coincidence or luck. or It's just me changing me perseption. I mean not that I don't care. but don't you think which way you see it. there's nothing but good in praticing this. I see things in a more positive ways, I see life and actually enjoy life more. so I think it's worth a try. If you dun like the way you are now that is.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hey there! Welcome Back!

Well! I'm finally back from the New Year's Holiday break.
what just happen in the time from the beginning of new year til now is simply facinating.

The LOA really is a stress reliever. Although my work schedule have changed due to some new management coming into the company. the work load are relatively fine. because though there are piling of jobs not all are urgent and most of the time there are 2-3 tasks on hand only.

and then I had my birthday week. I begin on the Eve of my birthday. when i thought to myself i dun want to be alone that day, so i decided to go out with one of my friend. instead i ended up going out with 4 of my friends which i haven't been seeing for over 2 years. we have great fun that day. ended up buying a lot of cheap things. no parking or traffic problem at all even on a rainy day.

after that it's another work day. the day after I have another celebration with some other friends. they are going for the concert in a casino resort, and I was suppose to go there with them but not to the concert. yet I thought when I'm there that I dun want to go around the casino alone so I thought just buy a ticket and go in with them. I bought the cheapest ticket and ended up sitting in the seats that's double the price of my tickets. Lucky! then when I was about to go out when the show ends only i find out one of my working colleague was sitting in front of me the whole time. HAHA! and then met another friends I haven't been seeing a long time out side the concert hall. Coincident?! haha! so after the show we go to play at the casino. I'm not really interested in table games so i try the slot machine instead. yet when i lost about 30 bugs i thought i wanna stop. when one of my friend ask me if i wanna go watch some table games i thought why not. I join some of it and got back my money in bout 2-3 tries.
To me though i doubt myself sometimes yet, these things are no coincidence. they are amazing and inspiring and everytimes it does happen it reminds me that the Law is working just fine.
so if you still have doubt, just give it a try. there's no harm when you don't go greedy.
Good wish for a great new year ahead for everyone.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year Everyone!!!!

HAHA! It's been a fun and great year. after discovering theSecret. everything finally fall into the right place in the Puzzle.
Everything simply illuminated. perfect timing of buying things, perfect parking space, great friend to be with, relax Working Environment, all is within grasp and I've enjoy plenty just in the past 3 months. whenever I'm lost I'm reminded, whenever I forgot, I was given the hint, whenever I let Go, great surprises simply popup and brighten up my day.

Really for those who have't read the books you should.
Oh! I just want to mention that I maintain more than one Blog on Blogger, Different Audience have Different interest. they tackle different topics of life and interest. No, Racial Differences and Sexual Orientation Discrimition. But I do have my own opinion on some issue. you are welcome to comment if you disagree. I'd love to see what people think about the world and everything that they are interested in.

the Blog are: - (Blog a bout my life after Discovering "The Secret"

- (A magazine like Blog that have all interesting Issue and Content but It's target for more MeteroSexual Audience)
- (This one of course is a Blog that is more for the Homosexual Audience)

No. I'm not Gay, but I have a bunch of friends that are, and in some way we do share the same interest. so if you are interested in some of this issue, you may come in and have a few glance.

Teachers always say you don't brag about what you have gotten from "The Secret". but part of sharing is sharing of experience. what I've learn is that. when Other ppl think you are braging It's a standard bestow on an experience or opinion by one Audience's experience. which means It's simply what an audience's think according to his/ hers past experience. the person who wrote something simply have no control whether you think he is braggin or not. so I hope that ppl could have a more open minded perspective when they observe a situation. The person may simply voicing his own opinion. and simple Idea.

Oh! the other day I watch a movie, "Pay It Forward" I think many of us should look at it. cos you may not know even the slightest gesture of yourself can influence a movement far and away. Witness the magnificient of the Universe