Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hey there! Welcome Back!

Well! I'm finally back from the New Year's Holiday break.
what just happen in the time from the beginning of new year til now is simply facinating.

The LOA really is a stress reliever. Although my work schedule have changed due to some new management coming into the company. the work load are relatively fine. because though there are piling of jobs not all are urgent and most of the time there are 2-3 tasks on hand only.

and then I had my birthday week. I begin on the Eve of my birthday. when i thought to myself i dun want to be alone that day, so i decided to go out with one of my friend. instead i ended up going out with 4 of my friends which i haven't been seeing for over 2 years. we have great fun that day. ended up buying a lot of cheap things. no parking or traffic problem at all even on a rainy day.

after that it's another work day. the day after I have another celebration with some other friends. they are going for the concert in a casino resort, and I was suppose to go there with them but not to the concert. yet I thought when I'm there that I dun want to go around the casino alone so I thought just buy a ticket and go in with them. I bought the cheapest ticket and ended up sitting in the seats that's double the price of my tickets. Lucky! then when I was about to go out when the show ends only i find out one of my working colleague was sitting in front of me the whole time. HAHA! and then met another friends I haven't been seeing a long time out side the concert hall. Coincident?! haha! so after the show we go to play at the casino. I'm not really interested in table games so i try the slot machine instead. yet when i lost about 30 bugs i thought i wanna stop. when one of my friend ask me if i wanna go watch some table games i thought why not. I join some of it and got back my money in bout 2-3 tries.
To me though i doubt myself sometimes yet, these things are no coincidence. they are amazing and inspiring and everytimes it does happen it reminds me that the Law is working just fine.
so if you still have doubt, just give it a try. there's no harm when you don't go greedy.
Good wish for a great new year ahead for everyone.

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