Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Everyone, Happy, Merry Christmas a nd New Year.

I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and Merry Xmas early, because I like an early celebration.
It's a great day today, most of the ppl I wish not to work with have gone or have their work cut out for them and ignoring me. My friend are all treating me great. and I just won a smll win on my lottery ticket. I bet the big one is just around the corner! Yeah!
I know, I know, Bob always say wealth is not money, but winning a little bit of lottery is a good sign too.
you won't believe how great my life have changed.
and ignoring all the bad issue in life just keep me straight ahead with my goal and everything just clear up for me. once and for I've dump my depressive anti-social self.

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