Monday, December 3, 2007

This Week on the Secret

So My dream home will be a great mansion where there's a high fences far far away in the estate. or some beach side or lake side lake house and I'd be staying there for a really really long period of time, consume in my thoughts and creating my art. I'm not really that into the whole fast and furious kinda car anymore, I thought I wanna give something back to the world and get a Prius instead, I like the whole saving money, saving gases and saving the world Idea, Gasoline prices is too high now anyway.
And this is how a million Dollar looks like. ofr all of my Secret Praticianer, feast your eye on this one. If you really wanted nothing more than money, this is how much it shouldd look like, when you ask the banker to come out with a million dollar of new note just to look at haha.
After a week of resting, I feel that Ihave the right mind to go ahead on the whole LOA once morer, actively engaging the the whole process. I got the parking space skill practice to perfection really, and as well as the weather, You'd say that it's nothing to you, but they are the very thing that keep on reminding me that the Law do exist and working.
My working space and schedule are totally freed haha. you won't believe it. going to work is just a breeze. everyday I have only 1 or 2 task to complete and whenever a task is not complete on time the meeting the task meant for simply postponed. It's a miracle. and daily miracle happens everywhere, just that it could be really small, if you could open your eyes and heart to it, you'll find that there's a wonderful world out there.
Now you may look at this as I'm not concincing and keep talking about it, or I'm a lazy person and don't want to work. that's how I am.
I've always have this habit of isolating everything and not connecting them or associate them in a way that normally ppl would do.
like they relate not working a lot of task and working easy is not hardworking. hence the work Hardworking, hardworking is not my aim at all really, I want to be a thinker not a worker. I love life and I want my life to be more than just money, work and task? so I know exactly what I want in life and heading that way, have you? I still think "Work" should be done in a enthusiastic and fantastic way, but for the purpose of my life, not other ppl target, so I want to have a work life that's great to be in, make money steadily for me and I can go do a lot more charity, travel and fun.
so you still think I'm not "Good" worker? I'm not cos I'm my own boss and I've always been, my life are not for sale sorry. and my greatest creation is my life.
So People, regardless what I think my life and my ethics are, what's yours? If you decide that It's for sale to your bosses, then stop here and not read on. but you have a single glint of doubt.
think about what you truly want? A loving family, a peaceful world, a living space and work space filled with compassion, a loving lover, Great sex and romantic night out. Easy life.
All this is achievable, when you open your heart and truly let them in.
Kick away all the "right" excuse that comes at the wrong time? hardwork (happy, life fulfilling work should be easy and light hearted even if it means sweat a whole lot all day under the sun, it's abreeze when you like it. so "Hardwork" is not really the word, it's actually what your boss want you to think.), high achievement? (great achievement is an aim that's clear in every success person mind, so nothing is really that high cos they are already achieved in thier mind, time is not a matter really.), a lot of money? (to tell the truth, when i have so many money I dun really know where to put it, in a bank? too much, invest? I don't want to bother about all the transference and contract fees. and money means a lot of nothing to me, unless, it's a house in Santorini, a Ferrari, a small cottage in Texas, an apartment in New York, a Speed boat or sail boat, or a lake house for vacation in Italy, or simply a relax weekday in Paris and London, or a shopping spree or the interest I can see coming in every month into my account. those I can taste and feel, not something Million that only sit there. or even a company I build from scratch and building up.) set your aim right, It's your life you want, not somthing thats below that aim or level to go to to get to that aim. focus on your aim and work on it.
Well I wish you all great fun applying your interpretation of LOA. I know I have. haha

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